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Modern high-temperature kitchen equipment, in combination with the use of considerable volumes of flammable, high-temperature vegetable oils, presents a bigger challenge for fire extinguishing than ever before. In case the oil catches fire it is impossible to extinguish it by common portable fire extinguishers. There is a threat of the fast spread of the fire which might lead to serious injuries and damage to the kitchen equipment. Moreover, fire propagation through ventilation ductwork poses a risk of further fire spread into the remaining parts of the building.

Fire has its place in modern gastronomy.

So let’s keep it right there.

Fire suppression systems ANSUL R-102 and PIRANHA designed especially for fire extinguishing in restaurants meet requirements set out for fast response fire extinguishing systems and are the most widespread option of fire protection in professional kitchens throughout the globe. 

Delivery of the proposed system fulfilling all local and European norms is complete including installation, commissioning and warranty and post-warranty services.

Kotva 1

+420 261 225 456 |

PEKA - AHS s.r.o., Karlická 4, 153 00 PRAHA 5

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