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The technology based on application of powder paints in electrostatic fields poses a high risk of fire and subsequent explosion. The swirling powder in the air forms a flammable mixture which is exposed to the risk of catching fire from high voltage used for the paint application. The biggest hazard is the possible spread of fire into the external filter. Its explosion might cause vast damage.

e powder mixture can explode within a fraction of second.

But it does not have to.

In order to eliminate the risks, we install a fast response fire detection system in the cabin and powder center which suppresses the fire at its inception and prevents the fire from spreading into the terminal filter by means of a so-called „Anti-flame shutter“ installed in the duct between the cabin and cyclone type filter.

Delivery of the proposed system fulfilling all local and European norms is complete including installation, commissioning and warranty and post-warranty services.

Kotva 1

+420 261 225 456 |

PEKA - AHS s.r.o., Karlická 4, 153 00 PRAHA 5

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